When is a Good Time to Seek Asset Recovery Services?

No one who runs a business expects to lose track of their company’s assets. They may believe it is something that only happens when people are careless, and that due diligence can protect against losing track of assets. And yet, billions of dollars in lost and unclaimed assets are sitting in state trust funds right …

What Should You Consider When You Are Forming Your Business?

Starting a new business is a major decision for anyone, even someone who has experience with business start-ups. Certain legal decisions you make early on can have a major impact on whether your business succeeds or fails. Here are just some of the important legal issues you need to consider when forming your business:

Five Things You Should Know About Corporate Dissolutions

While few people create a corporation with the intent of eventually closing, the fact of the matter is that only half of all businesses survive their fifth year, and only about a third last more than ten years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This unfortunate reality means that many corporations will face dissolution …

Why Does Bankruptcy Result in Potential Asset Recovery Issues?

Declaring bankruptcy is rarely easy for anyone who must go through it, given how long and complicated it can be. This is especially true for businesses, which have complex holdings that can become tied up in bankruptcy for years. For anyone who has an interest in the assets of a bankrupt business or person, bankruptcy …

What is a Corporate Liquidation and How Can it Go Wrong?

Corporate liquidations are far more common than most people realize and are an integral step in ensuring the successful wind-down of many businesses. When done improperly, though, a corporate liquidation can result in serious legal and financial headaches that can outlast the company itself. But what exactly is a corporate liquidation, and how can it …

Five Issues That Can Arise During Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are some of the most complicated processes any company can go through. While potentially quite profitable for the companies involved, mergers and acquisitions are full of hurdles and challenges that can become costly if mishandled. Here are five issues that can arise during the process of your merger or acquisition:

How Litigation Can Create Asset Recovery Issues

Dealing with litigation is a common part of the business environment, whether your business is involved in a lawsuit directly, or if some part of your business is indirectly affected by a lawsuit. Since keeping track of your assets related to that litigation can take years, it is not uncommon for title to those assets …

What is a State Unclaimed Asset Trust?

Every single state in America has a trust for unclaimed assets, which contain countless payments, checks, bank accounts, and other types of property. These unclaimed asset trusts contain billions of dollars, with New York alone accounting for more than $17 billion in unclaimed assets. But what is an unclaimed asset trust, and how might that …

Five Reasons You May Need Asset Recovery Services

Ideally, the process of mergers and acquisitions should be clean and simple, with all a purchased company’s assets becoming the property of its new owner. However, a shocking amount of the time, valuable assets are left behind, with some companies leaving behind thousands or even millions of dollars without realizing it. Here are five reasons …

$1.5 Million Check Found, Unclaimed after M&A Transaction 

Asset Recovery Law Firm Helps Multinational Conglomerate Find $1.5 Million Check That Went Unclaimed after M&A Transaction  COOPERSTOWN, NEW YORK — Robert Poulson, Partner, Poulson Law Offices, announced that his firm recently recovered a $1.5 million check for a corporate client, a multinational conglomerate that owns several hundred subsidiaries. Mr. Poulson said the unclaimed property …